Nina Alder - Desperate Situation
- 11:40
- 01 Feb, 25
Nina has been on the phone for some time talking to a friend she has not heard from in several years. She is bursting for a pee but does not want to bring the call to a premature close. Barely able to hold it, Nina decides to go and use the bathroom while on the phone to her friend. As soon as she starts to walk out of the living room in the direction of the toilet, however, the signal, weak to begin with, drops out. She hurries back before the call cuts off completely and continues waiting as her friend tells her about her own situation. After a minute, Nina, seriously bursting, makes a second attempt to reach the bathroom but the same thing happens. She has no choice but to try ending the call, but her friend doesn't want to hang up just yet. When Nina finally admits that she needs to pee, her friend tells her to hold it. She does her best but she is about to wet herself and makes her friend end the call. Nina dashes to the bathroom and just gets there in time. When she sits on the toilet and starts to go, pee rushes out of her and keep coming for more than a minute, signifying that he has an extremely full bladder. (In fact, Nina was incredibly desperate and struggling hard to control herself, the result of over-preparing. Some behind the scenes footage is included at the end to show what it was like for her).