Naomi - Knee injury

  • 9:51
  • 27 Dec, 17

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Naomi is sitting on the bench and relaxing. She's been at home with knee injury for three weeks already but her doctor recommended short walks to her. Naomi needs to pee but that would be quite a risk for her because she isn't allowed to do a deep squat. Also her moving is limited and even though the park is almost empty she would still prefer to find a secluded spot first. She is now fighting not only the pain in her knee but also the pressure in her bladder. Finally she arrives at a suitable place and realizes what she had already expected - squatting down is an impossible thing to do. Her knee holds her weight for a few seconds but then Naomi literally lands on her ass! Her butt is now covered with a mixture of dirt and her own piss and her pants are wet too. Luckily her injury didn't get any worse during the fall.


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