- 11:23
- 30 Jun, 23
A young red-haired Russian woman tries to conceal her desperation in front of her friends at the famous Octoberfest. She can be very happy that she only had to wait in line for a very short time as otherwise her tight jeans would have been in danger of getting wet. Next, a girl in her mid to late twenties is constantly dancing in line in an exaggerated fashion. Lucky for her there is loud music, so only desperation experts like us will realize that she actually has to go to the bathroom really really bad. In the same line, a shy nerdy-type girl with glasses comes into view. She is jiggling her legs until she can finally make it into the bathroom at the fair. The next scene features a MILF in a green jacket and black leather pants who cannot help curtsying from time to time. Some drink from the Christmas market must really press on her bladder badly as we can almost hear the sigh of relief once a stall got empty for her. Lastly, a college student in tight grey jeans and heels is waiting