Jayne - Roadside Assistance Remastered

  • 17:14
  • 05 Mar, 22

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Jayne is taking a short cut on her way home from work, hoping to avoid some of the rush hour traffic. Alas, her car breaks down on a quiet country road and the only habitation is a solitary house in the woods. Jayne steps out of the car, feeling a powerful urge to pee, but decidees to hold it since someone is sitting in the garden outside the house. Jayne uses her cellphone to call a garage for assistance - she does not have AAA cover. She is told to wait by the vehicle and a mechanic will be there shortly. She paces up and down, struggling with her full bladder as she waits for help to arrive. As her situation grows serious, Jayne decides to swallow her pride and walk down to the house to ask the man sitting in the garden if she might use his bathroom. To her immense relief he agrees, but just before she enters the house, she sees another vehicle is approaching along the road. Jayne has no choice but to dash back to her car without a visit to the bathroom. The mechanic turns out to be an incompetent hick who messes about with the engine for a minute, then tells her he can't see what is wrong with it. He goes back to his own vehicle, supposedly to find a schematic for this particular vehicle, leaving Jayne dancing in desperation. Frantic now, she asks the mechanic how much longer he is going to be. He tells her that he can't identify the problem, and that he will go and radio the garage to send out a tow truck, and says she must wait to sign the necessary paperwork. Jayne tries to hold on, but her bladder is ready to explode, so she has no choice but to stand in front of her car and wet her skirt and underwear.


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