- 14:06
- 02 Oct, 23
If there’s one way to summarize E0016, it’s that the screenshots and trailers you see won’t do the actual scenes any justice. There’s a lot of fast-paced pee dancing happening here. It starts of with a beautiful Turkish girl that is desperate in line at a beer festival. A walking angel, she has a striking similarity with DUA LIPA. The hottie is swaying left to right constantly amd stepping a few metres here and there, never staying still even for a second. Her bladder is so full that she has unbelt and unbutton her black pants, even when she is still way back in line. Something about that hanging belt is making the whole scene extra spicy. Talking to her friends obviously isn’t enough to help keep her urinal sphincter shut.
In the next scene, a slightly chubby (but sexy) girl with sunglasses is seen with a distressed look on her face, at the back part of a long toilet line. She pee-holding strategy is to grab the fabric of her pants tightly, squeezing very close to her crotch several times. She tries to dance to the beat of the music that’s playing behin the scene, with her steps growing more violent as mere seconds pass. The hottest thing about her? The protuding bladder cannot be more obvious! Things are getting more and more urgent the closer she gets to the toilet.You could see it in her face and body language that this is going to be a very close call...she grabs her crotch quickly and prays to make it for the last steps inside the toilet.