
  • 14:43
  • 10 Sep, 23

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Two American girls are not used to having German beer in their system! Both girls try to wait in line for the bathroom, but soon realize that their bladder capacity has been overestimated.

“I can't wait!“, you can hear the busty Asian-American girl exclaim. Both hotties then decide to leave the line, as they would most likely pee in their dirndl dresses before reaching the toilet in time. But what options do they have? The two girls don't seem to know either. They just start speed-walking, searching around aimlessly for a proper place to urinate.

Unfornately, the girl with bigger boobs cannot walk that fast. She has to stop several times to keep herself from peeing right then and there. You can see how desperate she is to release all the beer inside her. The girls try going behind a car, but as soon as they thought it’s safe to pee, our cameraman approaches to make sure that’s not an option. So they keep walking...in the end, they both disappear in a bush in full view of other people. While you can‘t see them actually peeing behind the bushes, it’s not hard to imagine the bustier girl already having damp panties before emptying her bladder.

The excitement does not end here! Witness another desperate hot chick in pantyhose with perfect thighs pee-dancing in the line, followed closely by another hot blonde in white pants struggling to stay dry before her turn to use the porta-potty.


Gjebtiam 06 Dec, 24
In this video the first scene with the two girls is the very best. I love how you can see that she can't take it anymore and have to run pretty fast to not pee herself. Really amazing but I think that the scenes after that are not as good as the first one.
All in all the movie is still great and I liked it.
ekz 13 Jun, 24
The enjoyment in this video comes from the thrilling adventure of the american girls trying to find a place to pee before peeing themselves since they left the line for the toilet rather than the crazy pee dances in line, which are present in the next scene. That makes it a complete video you dont want to miss out on.